Monday, December 28, 2020

Wrapping Up 2020 - Ironing Day 1

 I had been so busy with decluttering and crochet I neglected ironing the clothes. The pile has grown up tremendously that I only iron what was required. Definitely this is not good enough. I am going to spend to day until December 31, 2020 attending to clothes only. I hope I shall 'unearth' more clothes to be donated or to be trashed. In syaa Allah.

Waiting to be folded

Done ironed. 

Done Folded

Done ironed

I know most people do not iron their T-shirts, I do. I just like to wear T-shirts that are ironed even in the house because it does look neater. All the folded and ironed items will be arranged in their respective places.

Tomorrow I shall continue ironing and hope to reduce the pile to zero. Thank you for stopping by.


  1. I like the first shirt in #2, seems made for me ;)
    By the way: I often hang clothes dripping wet on the clothesline and smooth them down, that's enough for me. I'm not a fan of ironing ...
    Happy healthy New Year :)

    1. Thanks for stopping by Mascha. The sweatshirt in #2 was bought in Hong Kong in year 1981 when I went there with my University's Cultural group. I love the design very much. As a matter of fact I love Native American Designs. The Sweatshirt is now happily worn by my daughter. She loves it as much as I do.

  2. I used to iron clothes when both hubbby and I were working. Now we wear clothes that don't need ironing. These days, I hardly used the iron.

    1. I still iron some of my clothes because I have very few clothes that do not require ironing.


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