Saturday, January 18, 2020

De-cluttering - Day 3

Today I have help with de-cluttering and re-organizing project. The Child and I decided to tackle the kitchen area. We decided to continue emptying the contents of the kitchen cupboard. This cupboard will go after serving us since 1995. My parents bought this cupboard for me when I moved in to my own Apartment for the first time. There are signs of wear and tear already. Time to replace with a new cupboard or cabinet. The items on the left of the cupboard will be relocated to a temporary area and I will go through them all once the reorganization in the kitchen is completed.

The Child and I had started emptying this cupboard last Saturday. Today we decided
to finish off what we had started. 

The items are being boxed waiting to be re-organized in their
new home.
We also decided to clear the kitchen table. We might replace that with a kitchen island. So it is like killing two birds with one stone. The table will be relocated.

This is one corner of the table. Full of items.

The center part of the table

The table in its entirety.

This was supposed to be my work table in the kitchen but I end up having a small area to work with. While The Child was emptying the cupboard, I decided to put my hands on the table. Again the trashing, relocating and to sell lists take into play.

Since we were doing more than what I had in mind, we did not get to completed the job. Will continue tomorrow, in syaa Allah.

At the same time The Child is boxing books and files and other things from the bookshelf upstairs. She was working on them herself as I still have difficulty climbing up the stairs. The current bookshelf will go because it has warped so badly after the room became flooded. A new bookshelf will take over its place.

The Child did get help from the father. He helped to assemble the boxes and this was how he had them placed in the room much to The Child's disgust.

Boxes to pack the books and other things from the current bookshelf. I leave this
area to the discretion of The Child.

While taking a break from the de-cluttering process, I decided to watch "The Great Challenge" you-tube by Sophia. She is showing a series of De-clutter, Organize and Cleaning project. What I like about this channel is that Sophia is taking us to do the project on a small scale at a time. The task will not be so overwhelming and at the end day the job will get done.

Again these rules apply -
1) De-clutter
2) Re-organize
3) Cleaning
4) Relocate
5) Trashing - to the trash bag or to the junkyard bag

Thank you for stopping by. 

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